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“This song reminds me of my soul mate, and hearing it through my SVS speakers...
"One scene from season two has Daredevil rescuing Punisher and they have to fight their...
"Trent Reznor and his crew are among the most engaging and dynamic performers I have...
"By far my favorite Resident Evil movie! The infected crow scene has intense bass and...
"This track has a beautiful sounding old school FM synthesizer sound for the melody line...
"When the embassy was set on fire, the musical score really increased the sense of...
"Early on, a pyramid gets destroyed and the low frequency energy is a sonic assault...
"Initially, I thought my dog was going to have a heart attack when some of...
“I have two favorite songs that bring me back to the dancing at my wedding...
“My list for top Dolby Atmos®* audio demos would have to include: 13 Hours, Edge...
“Honorable CNOTE did an amazing job producing this song. It is a very catchy beat...
“One of my favorite audio demos is Call of Duty Black Ops 3. Treyarch’s development...
“I’ve been really impressed by the audio in Game of Thrones, especially the big battle...
"The opening chase scene in Deadpool is exactly how an action movie should begin. The...
"The new Ninja Turtles movie is a killer demo all the way around. The Dolby...
"Roger Waters' "The Wall" is a favorite of mine, musically and sonically. Powerful bass, explosive...
"After completing the very first mission, a cutscene began depicting my ship returning to home...
"Of all the Dolby Atmos movies I've seen, Mad Max does the best job of...
"When the big snowman, Marshmallow, makes his first appearance outside the castle and starts chasing...