Jose in Miami, FL Modern, minimalist and acoustically treated home theater system unleashes “breathtaking, captivating,”...
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Dan in Campobello, SC While headsets are the dominating force in audio when it comes...
Nestor from Northfield, OH A basement gym is converted into an immersive, heart-rumbling 7.1.4 Prime...
Fred from Pennsylvania Paying homage to his favorite video games and pop culture, Fred from...
Martin in Milton Keynes, UK With 30+ years of audio video knowledge under his belt,...
Mark in South Jordan, Utah Transforming a living room into a high-performance home theater can...
JC Dan in Atlanta, GA Former car audio basshead JC Dan in Georgia, has been...
Doug C. in Dayton, OH Hailing from our home state of Ohio, former DJ Doug...
Chris M. in Grand Prairie, TX Starting his audio journey as so many others have,...
Ara D. in Trabuco Canyon, CA As the host of a popular home theater-themed podcast...
Michael W. in Westland, MI A self-professed tinkerer with a love of music and great...
Nick in Grootebroek, Netherlands Representing the first featured SVS home theater system in Europe, Nick...
Travis in Snoqualmie, WA Seeking low frequency output that would put his local IMAX theater...
Jeff in Groveland, Massachusetts Horror movies are the most underrated cinematic genre when it comes...
Joseph in Mesa, AZ The creativity of SVS owners amazes us sometimes. Take Joseph from...
Nathaniel in Dallas, TX How does finding the perfect subwoofer(s) improve your life? Our latest...
Jeff in Sherwood, OR Jeff from Sherwood, OR went from spending paper route money on...
James in Charlotte, NC You really need to hear and feel a world-class subwoofer to...
CPL. Steven E. in Denver, CO U.S. Army veteran CPL. Steven E. served his country...
Tim in Chattanooga, TN Seeking the last subwoofer he’d ever want to own, Tim, a...
Ryan in Rockland, MA Ryan from Rockland’s love of audio was inspired by his Dad...